Jacqueline Ganley

About Jacqueline Ganley

Dr. Jacqueline Ganley’s career in human and social services spans almost two decades, with over 20 years of experience specifically working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Dr. Ganley has been with Easterseals since 2012. She began as the Director of Interns, responsible for programs related to educational and professional development for all associates in Autism Services. Dr. Ganley is now the Regional Vice President of ABA services where she oversees the clinical operations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Kern Counties and leads and participates in groups that are focused on leadership development, services for adult participants, and cross-service-line projects.

Workplace Mentoring is a Win-Win

Dr. Jacqueline Ganley shares her story about the founding and successful outcomes of the Easterseals Mentorship Program, which pairs senior leaders at Easterseals with supervisors looking to gain further experience.