
Getting to Know You: How an Individualized Approach is Changing Adult Day Services

In honor of Developmental Disability Awareness Month this March, we sat down with Amber Carey-Navarrete, Director of Person-Centered Services, to talk about what’s happening in Adult Day Services and what it means for the future of disability services.

Ask Me: What are Person-Centered Services for people with disabilities?

In our ongoing Ask Me series, Adult Day Services Coordinator Lora Glassman answers questions about Person-Centered Services and discusses how they impacted her life when she received services from ESSC.

Easterseals Outreach & Engagement Supports Those With Mental Health Issues

Program focuses on providing mental health services to the disability community in Orange County.

By |2020-09-14T15:14:14-07:00September 14th, 2020|Categories: Person-centered, Programs|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

My Person-Centered Journey: How Person-Centered Culture and Practices© Came to Be

Amber Carey-Navarrete has developed Person-Centered Culture and Practices (PCCP)©, a turnkey training and implementation guide for adult day services to succeed in their person-centered culture change journey. Person-centered culture champions personal preferences, interests and needs. Targeting services that support adults with disabilities, PCCP is based on the philosophy that people know themselves best. People know what is essential and meaningful in their own lives and services are meant to support them in pursuing their dreams.