
A Powerful Planned Giving Strategy

As you plan your end-of-year giving for your favorite charitable organizations, be sure to incorporate a monthly giving strategy into your budget. A recurring gift program not only allows the non-profit organization you support to keep their operations up-and-running, but also provides you with lasting benefits. Take a look to understand why supporting an organization like Easterseals Southern California with a monthly charitable gift benefits everyone involved.

Empower Easterseals: Support Year-End Giving Campaigns

This holiday season, you can support Easterseals Southern California by donating to our End-of-Year giving campaigns. Our Empowerment Campaign raises funds that go toward all of our services across Easterseals Southern California, while our Bright Beginnings Campaign directly supports the opening of a new state-of-the-art Child Development Center in North San Diego.   Learn more [...]